Gravestone Listing
The following pages have been listed to help those people who wish to trace some of their family history. All the names have been listed by surname, residence, year of death and age at death. I have not listed any deaths within the past 100 years as these should already be known within the families.
If you think that you have family buried at Llanspyddid church and you cannot find their names in this list, then check through those at the very end. I have included a list of some gravestones that have mainly illegible inscriptions, but these may mean something to your family. Please note that only those gravestones over 100 years old have been included.
I have taken a lot of care in transcribing the inscriptions, but some of the stones are now getting very difficult to read. Please feel free to contact me quoting the relevant grave number as used within the gravestone index if you think that some of the inscriptions have been transcribed incorrectly. I have also included an image of every stone whether it is readable or not, plus a small gravestone location map so that the gravestone can be easily found within the churchyard.
There are also a number of gravestones leaning against the north wall of the church. Most of these were moved either for health and safety reasons or at the time of the A40 road widening scheme, when a section of the churchyard was included in the widening scheme.
If you think that you have family buried at Llanspyddid church and you cannot find their names in this list, then check through those at the very end. I have included a list of some gravestones that have mainly illegible inscriptions, but these may mean something to your family. Please note that only those gravestones over 100 years old have been included.
I have taken a lot of care in transcribing the inscriptions, but some of the stones are now getting very difficult to read. Please feel free to contact me quoting the relevant grave number as used within the gravestone index if you think that some of the inscriptions have been transcribed incorrectly. I have also included an image of every stone whether it is readable or not, plus a small gravestone location map so that the gravestone can be easily found within the churchyard.
There are also a number of gravestones leaning against the north wall of the church. Most of these were moved either for health and safety reasons or at the time of the A40 road widening scheme, when a section of the churchyard was included in the widening scheme.
White background shows Gravestones outside in Churchyard |
Shaded background shows Gravestones inside Church |