Many of you will know that a multi use path from Llanspyddid to Brecon was one of the priorities which residents identified though our Village Plan consultations.
Good news! The route is now on the Powys Active Travel Network Map for consultation. This consultation is open to 7th November 2021, after which the routes will be submitted to Welsh Government for approval. We need your help to really show that this route is wanted and will be used by residents. Click on the link click on 'Have your say' then Brecon and zoom into the map until you can see the route numbers clearly. Highlight the route between Llanspyddid and Brecon by clicking on the numbers. Another box will open. To the right of the top box there is a graph like symbol. Hover the cursor over that and it should say highlight. Click to highlight. Scroll down and answer the questions. To be on the safe side please mention Llanspyddid in your additional comments and say how you would use the path. Perhaps you regularly use that route already. Comments on the proposed routes can also be made in writing and sent to the address below. Please note, all comments must be made before the consultation closes on November 7th 2021. Powys Active Travel consultation, Active Travel department, Powys County Council, County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG |
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Neville Hall is Changing,
Read this leaflet to see how it effects us. |
If you are considering being a Community Councillor and helping our community please get in contact with either Chris Hyde or Pauline Hill. Perhaps you know someone else who would be good. As a small community (Libanus and Llanspyddid and surrounding area) we don't have an onerous workload but what we do does make a difference. Our meetings are very rarely over an hour long. We are polite and well behaved with a very good Clerk.